Welcome to
Zion Baptist Church

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
"A Church On The Move Making A Difference"
The Lord That Healeth Thee
Zion Baptist Church shall make a difference in this community by receiving those who have been hurt. those that feel lost and those who feel as though they have no hope. It shall be a House of restoration and healing. She shall take in those whom others refuse and give them Hope and Love. Restoring self-worth, dignity and a reason for living. She shall be called a rehabilitation house where God's children re-gather their strength and slowly work back into oneness with our Lord and Savior "Christ Jesus," Jesus said, "A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." We believe a world divided against itself shall not stand either. We are looking to bring oneness to the body of Christ, through hard work, obedience to God, faithfulness to family, friends, church, community and to an unsaved world. Our goal shall be to reach the un-reachable, to help the un-helpable, to move mountains that seem un-moveable and to love the un-loveable. "Because Love Covers a Multitude of Sins." 1 Peter 4:8 NLT
There are no borders or walls in the Hearts of God's People!!!